Why Do I Make Wine ?

I enjoy creating and sharing food and wine among friends, but that doesn't explain it completely. I am fascinated with the process of combining ingredients and watching the magic of nature and chemistry transform this mixture into something more then the sum of it's parts. Enjoying the results of my labor is just a happy reward along with the learning experience associated with my failures. I do this because I enjoy learning about food and wine and meeting like-minded people...

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

First Winemaking Book

There are many excellent books on making wines. I recommend The Art of Making Wine by Stanley F. Anderson and Raymond Hull for any new winemaker. I first saw this book when my dad made a few wine kits many years ago. I eventually ended up with his copy. I lost the original book and I was happy to get another copy. It is still in print and it is a simple introduction to winemaking that also includes many good recipes.


Whether you want to make traditional grape wine or country wines from your home grown fruits or berries, you will find all of the basic information here with simple easy to understand instructions. All of the steps are well explained and the ingredients that you will need to make excellent wines every time. You can get your own copy from Amazon here.

Another book that appeals to local Alaska wine-makers is Alaska Backyard Wines by Jan O'Mear  although it is currently out of print you may still find used copies on Amazon here.


A step-by-step guide to making delicious wines from fruits, flowers and plants commonly found in Alaska, but also found elsewhere. It gives a little background on wine making and detailed instructions for producing fine-tasting wines in one's own kitchen. It shows how easy wine making can be. It is beautifully illustrated with detailed line drawings. This book was named "Best Instructional Book" by the National Federation of Press Women in 1989.

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